Regione Toscana
Test of Italian language and civic culture for the integration agreement / Test di lingua italiana e cultura civica per l’accordo di integrazione

Test of Italian language and civic culture for the integration agreement / Test di lingua italiana e cultura civica per l’accordo di integrazione

I have signed the integration agreement two years ago but I do not have the level A2 certificate of Italian language required by the Ministry of the Interior.

What should I do? / Cosa devo fare?
You can enrol on a free Test of Italian language and civic culture organized by the Prefettura.
You can use this link:
You will need to use the username and password you have received when you signed the agreement.

How is the test done? / Com’è fatto il test?
The test is divided into two parts: a written part and a spoken part.
For the written part you must:
•    read a written text and answer some questions
•    listen to a recorded text and answer some questions
•    write a short text
For the spoken part you must:
•    answer some questions on Italy, on the Italian Constitution, on some documents (such as medical card, identity card)

I have a serious illness and I have not signed the integration agreement. Do I have to take the test? / Ho una grave malattia e non ho firmato l’accordo di integrazione. Devo fare il test?
No, because people with a serious illness that, when they asked for the first residence permit, have brought a medical certificate given by the Local Health Authority (ASL) or by the family doctor should not sign the integration agreement and should not do the test. The residence permit will be given anyway.

I have signed the integration agreement two years ago but now I cannot take the test on Italian language and civic culture because I have a serious illness. What should I do? / Ho firmato l’accordo di integrazione due anni fa ma adesso non posso fare il test di lingua italiana e cultura civica perché ho una grave malattia. Cosa devo fare?
You must bring to the Prefettura a medical certificate from the Local Health Authority (ASL) or from your family doctor stating that you have a disease that does not allow you to learn a language.

Aggiornamento: febbraio 2019


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