Regione Toscana
Schede semplificate - Inglese

Registration in the national environmental management body register - category 4-bis (Trade and transport of metal waste) - Iscrizione all’albo nazionale gestori ambientali - categoria 4-bis (Commercio e trasporto di rifiuti di metallo)


What it is / Cos'è

In order to transport and sell certain types of metal waste, your company must be registered in category 4-bis of the National Environmental Management Body Register.

The National Environmental Management Body Register is a public list of companies that can collect, transport and sell waste. The Register also contains the list of companies that engage in waste brokerage, remediation of contaminated sites and asbestos-containing assets.

The Tuscan regional section of the Register is located at the Chamber of Commerce in Florence.

Chi può chiederlo?

Who should register? / Chi deve iscriversi?

You must register your company in the National Environmental Management Body Register - category 4-bis if:

Cosa serve per usare il servizio?

What should I do to register my company? / Cosa devo fare per iscrivere la mia impresa?

• you must be registered in the trade register for the activity of wholesale trade in scrap metal (ATECO code 46.77.10)
• you must have an active certified e-mail (PEC) address (see information sheet)
• you must have a means of transport that can carry a maximum of 3.5 tonnes

Come uso il servizio?

How should I do? / Come devo fare?

•    Enter the website and click on Login Login
•    If you do not have the password, click on "Password dimenticata?" (Forgot Password?) "Nuova impresa?" (New company?)
•    Click on "Pratiche telematiche" (Telematic Practice) and then on "Agest Telematico" (Telematic Agest)
•    Click on "Iscrizione" (Registration) and choose category 4-bis
•    Fill in the section "Anagrafica impresa" (Company details), "Legali rappresentanti" (Legal representatives), "4-bis conto proprio" (4-bis own account) and "Allegati all'istanza" (Attachments to the application) and click on the "Conferma"  (Confirm button)
•    Upload all the required documents: identity document and residence permit, copy of the front and back of the vehicle registration certificate, self-certification of anti-mafia status.
•    Enter all the data and click on "Consolida l'istanza" (Consolidate application)
•    Download the application summary sheet and check if the data entered is correct
•    Sign the application form manually or digitally and upload the signed file
•    Click on "Completa l'istanza" (Complete the application) and proceed with payment (10 euros for the administrative fee + 16 euros for the revenue stamp). (See below HOW SHOULD I PAY)

What happens after I have submitted my application online? / Cosa succede dopo che ho inviato la domanda online?

You will receive a PEC informing you to enter your Agest reserved area to make the other payments: the annual fee (50 euros) and the government concession tax (168 euros). (See below “How should I pay”)
After you have paid, you will receive another PEC informing you to download the registration to the National Environmental Management Body Register - Category 4-bis from your reserved area.

Quanto tempo serve per ottenerlo?

How long is the registration valid? / Quanto dura l'iscrizione?

Registration in the National Environmental Management Body Register - category 4-bis lasts 5 years.
After 5 years, registration must be renewed.


Quanto costa?

How should I pay? / Come devo pagare?

You must pay:

  • the revenue stamps and administrative fees: by credit card, electronic banking MAV, PagoPA or Telemaco
  • the government concession tax: by postal order
  • the annual fees: by credit card (Please note: you must pay annual fees by 30 April each year)



Attention /Attenzione

Remember to check your PEC often because the Environmental Management Body Register communicates via PEC.


Per informazioni

For further information / Per altre informazioni

Technical assistance - Agest
Phone: 02 22177177 Monday to Friday 9 -13 and 14 -17
Assistance via form
Assistance is provided in Italian.

Legal assistance - Tuscan section of the Environmental Management Body Register
Piazza dei Giudici, 3 - 50122 Florence
Open to the public by appointment from Monday to Friday 8.30-13.00 and 14.00-15.00
Telephone: 055 2392140 Monday to Friday 8.30-11.30 am