Regione Toscana
Notification of the Transfer of property or lodging - Comunicazione di cessione di fabbricato o di ospitalità

Notification of the Transfer of property or lodging - Comunicazione di cessione di fabbricato o di ospitalità

What it is
One who rents out his house or a room to someone or hosts him for free (even if the guest is a relation) must do the notification of the transfer of property or lodging. (for “transfer” “house” is intended)

Who does the notification

In the case of the contract of rent: the notification must be done by the land lord of the house who declares the presence of the person by presenting the contract registered at the tax office and his identity documents and that of the person to whom the house has been rented.

In the case where the lodging is free: the notification must be done by the one who is hosting and must declare his personal details and those of the guest:

  • details of passport or the identity documents of both
  • address of the place where the person is hosted.

If the guest or the person who is renting is:

  • a non community citizen, the notification must still be done;
  • an Italian or community citizen, the notification must be done if the residence permit exceeds 30 days.

Note Carefully: where there is a payment of rent notification is not necessary because it is enough to register the contract of the rent at the revenue office.

When notification must be made
The notification must be done within 48 hours of arriving in the house.

Where notification should be made
The notification must be done at the local public security authority
(Italian National Police, State Police or Municipal Police)

Please Note
Anyone who does not do the notification would have to pay a penalty that ranges from 160 to 1.100 euros
On the web site of the State Police it is possible to down load the form of the notification of the transfer of property

For Information

La traduzione della scheda informativa è stata finanziata dal progetto Sportello Multilingue: Mediazione e Informazione