Regione Toscana
List of documents requested for independent emplyment activity - Elenco dei documenti richiesti per l'attivita' di lavoro autonomo

List of documents requested for independent emplyment activity - Elenco dei documenti richiesti per l'attivita' di lavoro autonomo

1. Self-employed professional

  • declaration issued by the administration appointed for the concession of eventual approval, license, authorization or on reception of  notification of  inception of activity, that is the bodies charged with the control of professional associations;
  • demonstration of an income superior to the minimum level provided by law for the exemption from participation from the sanitary expense (8.500 Euro).

2. Entrepreneur, retailer and artisan

  • attestation of the parameters of reference regarding the availability of financial resources necessary for the business activity, issued by he Chamber of  Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture of the province where the activity itself is intended to be undertaken or by the competent professional order (art. 39, comma 3, del DPR 394/1999);
  • demonstration of the possession of  the economic resources sufficient in the magnitude indicated on the attestation on the previous point;
  • the previous points the parameters of which are based on the availability in Italy, on the part of the applicant, of a sum not inferior to the capitalization on an annual base, of a monthly amount equal to the social allowance.
  • photocopy of  V.A.T entry registration;
  • declaration issued by the administration in charge of  the eventual approval of  concession, license , authorization or on reception of notification of commencement of activity;
  • declaration of an income of the sum superior to the minimum provided by law for the exemption from the participation from the sanitary expense (8.500 Euro).

3. Heading of contact for the performance of work, consultancy, etc.

  • certificate of registration of enterprise for which the work activity, operative from at least three years, in the register of businesses  (certificate of the chamber of commerce);
  • copy of last balance sheet of enterprise ( company/cooperation) deposited at the Register of businesses, or last declaration of income ( if partnership or individual business) from which results that the scope of roll over or earnings, is enough to guarantee a reward;
  • contract of work, with which the independent worker is guaranteed a reward superior to the minimum level provided by law for the exemption  from participation from the sanitary expense ( 8.500 Euro).
  • copy of declaration of responsibility, sent to the competent  Provincial Direction of Work, with which it is stated that, by virtue of the contract stipulated, there would be no establishment of any relationship of dependent work.

4. Partners, administrators of companies - copy of constitutive act of company;

  • certification of registration of company, operative from at least three years in the Register of enterprises ( certificate of chamber of commerce)  
  • declaration of legal representative of company who guarantees for the working partner, or for the subject who assumes social responsibilities, an income  of a sum superior to the minimum level provided by law for the exemption from the participation from the sanitary expense
  • (8.500 Euro)  
  • copy of last balance sheet of company (if corporation) deposited at the Register of Enterprises or last declaration of income (if partnership or individual enterprise), which results that the scope of roll over or of income is enough to guarantee a reward;
  • copy of declaration of responsibility, sent to the competent Provincial Direction of Work, with which it is stated that by virtue of the contract stipulated there would be no establishment of any relationship of dependent work

5. University readers of exchange or of mother tongue  

  • declaration issued from the University or the Institute of higher education and research, public or private which attests to the possession of the necessary professional requisites for the  implementation of the relative activity;
  • demonstration of an income of a sum superior to the minimum level provided by law for the exemption from participation from the sanitary expense (8.500 Euro).
  • certification of the Provincial Direction of Work which attests  that the negotiation programme does not amount to a relationship of dependent work

6. Translators and interpreters

  • certificate of study or professional certification of translator or interpreter specifically for languages requested, issued, respectively, by a State school or a public entity or other equivalent, according to the legislation applicable in the State of issue, duly visited by the Diplomatic Representatives or competent Consulates;
  • demonstration of an income of a sum superior to the the minimum level provided by law for the exemption from the participation from the sanitary expense (8.500 Euro).
  • certification of the Provincial Direction of Work which attests that the negotiation programme does not amount to a relationship of dependent
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