Regione Toscana
Authorization for seasonal work and residence permit for seasonal work - Nullaosta e permesso di soggiorno per lavoro stagionale

Authorization for seasonal work and residence permit for seasonal work - Nullaosta e permesso di soggiorno per lavoro stagionale

What the authorization for seasonal work is
The authorization is necessary to be able to employ a non community worker for seasonal work (who works only in a certain period of the year).
It enables the worker to obtain a visa for dependent work and after entering Italy to request for a resident permit for seasonal work.

Who can request for the authorization for seasonal work
The application can be presented by an Italian job employer or a non community resident in Italy who has a seasonal activity and an income sufficient enough to employ a worker. The application can be presented also by more than one job employer at the same time who wants to employ the same worker at different periods (collective application).

For whom can the authorization be requested
Persons who:

  • have completed a compulsory scholastic school course or have attained the age of 16 years.
  • have a nationality of one of the countries indicated each year by the Flows Decree for seasonal work published in the Official Gazette.

The list of countries for the year 2015: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Egypt, Ex Republic of Yugoslavia of Macedonia, the Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, India, Kosovo, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Serbia, Sri-Lanka, Ukraine and Tunisia) or non community workers, citizens of countries previously indicated who have entered Italy to provide dependent seasonal work for at least two consecutive years and for whom the job employer presented a multi-year authorization for seasonal work.

When the application for the authorization can be made
The job employer can request for authorization only after the publication of the Flows Decree for seasonal work in the Official Gazette.

How to send the application for authorization:

  1. Register at the website of the Ministry of the Interior
  2. at the site select the entry “Richiesta moduli”
  3. select the form C “Nulla Osta al lavoro subordinato stagionale”
  4. fill the form online
  5. send the form by clicking the enter key “Invia”.

To obtain assistance for sending the application inquire at the information point for foreign citizens.
The job employer can also present the application through his accredited association.

Verification of authorization application online
From the site the job employer can check at what point his application is.


La traduzione della scheda informativa è stata finanziata dal progetto Sportello Multilingue: Mediazione e Informazione