Regione Toscana
Registration at the Regional Health Service (SSR) for one who has: permit for elective residence

Registration at the Regional Health Service (SSR) for one who has: permit for elective residence

What it is
It is necessary to have a right to all services provided by the Health Service of the Region of Tuscany.
For one who has a permit for elective residence registration at the Regional Health Service is voluntary and on payment. Alternatively it is possible to pay for a private insurance (with an Italian or foreign company) valid in Italy.
The residence permit for elective residence is issued to non community citizens who can show that they process sufficient resources to live without work (such as pension, annuities, properties,...)

When registration to the Regional Health Service is done
The person concerned must register after sending the application for the residence permit at the post office and after registering at the registrar in the Municipality.

How registration is done
The registration is done by going to the local Health Corporation (ASL) of the place of residence or where one lives. At the moment of registration the person chooses a general practitioner, whom he could see for free.

Which are the necessary documents

  • Residence permit or payment receipt of the residence permit. If the receipt is presented a temporary registration is done for a duration of one year and three months. Once the permit is obtained this would have to be presented at the ASL to complete registration.
  • Self-certification of income
  • Fiscal code
  • Receipt of payment of the post office slip to fill up with the following details:
    • Number of post office current account: 289504
    • Assigned to: Regione Toscana
    • Casuale (Motive): contributo iscrizione volontaria SSR anno ....

The amount to pay depends on income and must be calculated by the Health Corporation

The health card
After the registration the person would receive at home the health card which allows for the utilization of services of the Health Service of the Region of Tuscany.

What are the services and features of the Regional Health Service
Here listed are the basic services the Tuscan Region offers (ask at the Health Corporation where one lives)

  • have a general practitioner or pediatrician
  • free hospital treatment at public and established hospitals
  • pharmaceutical assistance
  • general medical check ups in day hospitals
  • specialist medical check ups
  • medical check ups at home
  • vaccinations
  • blood analysis
  • medical x-rays
  • ultrasound scanning
  • medicines
  • rehabilitative assistance and for artificial limbs
  • other services provided for at essential levels of assistance

Temporary residence permit in another Eu Country
It is possible to obtain health assistance in another EU Country by presenting the Italian health card. (Caution: not all free services in Italy are free in other EU countries).

For how long is the registration valid
The registration expires on the 31 of December and must be renewed every year.
The annual payment for registration must be made in full also if registration is made during the year.

For information
Local Health Corporation

Aziende Sanitarie Locali (Toscana)



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