Regione Toscana
Regional Health Service (SSR) for community citizens with economic difficulties: ENI Card

Regional Health Service (SSR) for community citizens with economic difficulties: ENI Card

What it is
Non community citizens, not resident on the regional territory, who do not have the requirements for compulsory registration at the Regional Health Service (SSR) and are not assisted by States of origin who cannot pay for the health service because they are destitute can, by self-certification at the ASL, have the ENI card. With the ENI card they are guaranteed urgent, essential and continuous treatments.

Urgent Treatments: are those that cannot be deferred without putting life at risk or damage to the health of the person.
Essential Treatments: are those relating to sicknesses that are not dangerous in the short term, but could create problems of health or risks to life.
Continuous Treatments: are those that allow treatments to be done for a longer period.

How the ENI card is done
The card can

  • be issued at the First Aid or the Local Health Corporation (ASL) at the moment of the first medical treatment
  • be requested by the person to begin a course of treatment

Access to the Health facility cannot result in any kind of warning

Which are the necessary documents

  • identity document
  • declaration of domicile in regional territory (from over three months)
  • declaration of not being registered in the registry of residents
  • declaration of last State of residence
  • declaration of having economic difficulties
  • medical certificate which shows the urgency or necessity of treatment
  • declaration of not being able to register at the Regional Health Service (SSR), of not having a health insurance

Treatments guaranteed by the ENI card

  • pregnancy and maternity assistance
  • health assistance for minors
  • vaccination
  • treatment of preventive international sicknesses
  • preventive and treatment of infective sicknesses
  • treatment and rehabilitation in case of drug addiction

Temporary residence permit in another EU country
It is possible to obtain health assistance in another EU country by presenting the Italian health card.(Caution: not all free services in Italy are free in other EU countries).

For how long and valid is the registration
The ENI card is valid throughout the national territory and is valid for 6 months with the possibility of renewal.

For information
Local Health Corporation

Aziende Sanitarie Locali (Toscana)

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