Regione Toscana
Questions and answers on the permit for study or training

Questions and answers on the permit for study or training

1. How long is the duration of the residence permit for study and training?
The duration is a maximum of 1 year.

2. Is the permit for study and training renewable?
The permit is renewable each year in the case of courses which last more than a year.

If the student attends a University, the permit can be renewed only if he has passed at least an exam in the first year and at least two exams in the successive years. Particular cases:

  • Serious health motives or unexpected events (these must be documented): in this case the second renewal of the residence permit can be done also if the student has passed only one exam.
  • A qualification of specialization or doctorate of research: in this case the residence permit can be renewed for the duration of the course

The permit cannot be issued however for more than 3 years beyond the course of study.

3. Can one who has a residence permit or training work?
Yes, for a period not more than 20 hours weekly

4. Can the residence permit for study or training be converted?
Yes, it can be converted to:

  • residence permit for dependent work or independent work for one who has graduated or has obtained a post graduate qualification in Italy
  • residence permit for dependent work and independent work, during the course of studies, only after the publication of the Decree on flows in the Official Gazette. (The number of conversions is limited)
  • residence permit for religious motives for students who at the end of their religious studies would engage in religious activities in Italy.

5. Can one who has a residence permit for study or training apply for authorization for family reunion or relations as a follow-up?
Yes (scheda ricongiungimento familiare)

6. Can registration be applied for at the Health Service with the residence permit for study or training?
Yes, it is possible to request for voluntary registration at the Regional Health Service

7. Can the student who has graduated or has finished a doctorate or a masters studies at a 2nd level in Italy request for a resident permit in expectation of employment if he does not have a job?
Yes, he can register at the Employment Office and request for a residence permit in expectation of employment.


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