Regione Toscana
The electronic forwarding service for applications of the Ministry of the Interior

The electronic forwarding service for applications of the Ministry of the Interior

The electronic forwarding service for applications of the Ministry of the Interior is accessible at the address, allows the employer of work to electronically send applications for:

  • authorization for dependent work, domestic work and seasonal work (*);
  • authorization for work in particular cases (art. 27 D.Lgs. n. 286/98);
  • authorization for dependent work regarding lecturers of schools and foreign universities in Italy (Law 103/2002);
  • authorization for entry and stay for scientific research (art. 27 ter D.Lgs. n. 286/98);
  • authorization to work for highly qualified foreign workers (for the issue of EU Blue Card) art. 27-quater D.Lgs. n. 286/98);
  • authorization for dependent work for long-term residence in the E.U (*).

(*) only on terms and modality indicated by the decree on seasonal entry emanating for the current year.

and to the foreign citizen apply for :

  • authorization for family reunion;
  • conversion of residence permit from study to dependent work or independent employment for foreign students who have attained adult age or obtained a degree in Italy or a post graduate degree;
  • participation in a test of the knowledge of the Italian language for the issue of the EU long -term Residence Permit;
  • communication of one's personal family details for the purpose of signing the Integration Agreement;
  • reservation for the Italian test /civic culture.


Registration on the system:

In order to have access to the electronic forwarding service for the application for the first time it is necessary to register at the electronic system of the Ministry of the Interior, by the filling of a web form. The following personal information are required:

  • surname
  • name
  • e-mail address
  • date of birth
  • password

To notify an eventual problem encountered in the course of registration a help service desk is available. At the end of registration a password would be sent to the applicant by e-mail to access the system for the forwarding of applications

Access to forms for filling:
To access the forms online and effect filling it is necessary:

  1. To access the system by inserting one's e-mail address and password;
  2. After accessing the system click on “Richiesta moduli”;
  3. Select the desired form on the list;
  4. Fill and send the form by the enter key “invia”. On the left of the screen, is a file to download with instructions for the filling of applications.

For the filling and forwarding of applications assistance can be obtained from the staff of the Immigration Service of the Municipalities or authorized offices and Associations who undertake help assistance in matters of immigration for which they have signed the appropriate protocol with the Ministry of the Interior.

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