Regione Toscana
Electronic system of the Ministry of the Interior - Integration agreement

Electronic system of the Ministry of the Interior - Integration agreement

The citizen of third Countries who have signed the Integration agreement, through the system of the Ministry of the Interior accessible at link:

  • visualize the information relative to the Agreement signed and eventually update the details relating to the address;
  • visualize the state of the agreement;make reservation for the Italian test/civic culture (after the beginning of verification of the Accord which comes 2 years after the signing);


If the citizen did not register earlier on to send the details of the family unit and therefore declares the details of his family unit directly to the staff in the phase of signing the agreement, they would be assigned temporary credentials.
On the first access at the portal, inserting the temporary credentials obtained, the person would be directed to the function of registration which requires compulsory indication of a valid mail address and a password (at least 8 characters also special of which at least one numerical).
This operation generates the sending of a mail to the address indicated. The recipient would have to read the mail and select the web address indicated for confirmation.
If the previous operations are successful, the registration of the new user would be effected. He could therefore access the portal with the e- mail address and password indicated. For the user who has signed the integration agreement, once the entry has been effected, accessible on the left of the screen is an entry “Accordo Integrazione” which allows access to the details of the page. The details visualized correspond to the situation in real time on the state of the agreement and are subdivided into the following sections:

  • Personal details
  • Brief detail of the agreement (identification agreement, registration details, expiration date, state of agreement, date of verification, result of verification)
  • Details relating to the compulsory session of civic training (date, location, state of reservation)
  • Details of family unit
  • Details on Parents/Legal Guardian/ (present if the foreigner undersigning the agreement turns out to be between the age of 16 and 18 years)
  • Details of contact: these could be modified in respect of the compulsory fields and their formal contents admitted; the modifications effected would be immediately available on the system of the Agreement of Integration.
  • Details of the verification of the Agreement (total credits/debits, credit type /debit, description of credit document /debit, credits number /debits assigned/reduced)
  • Details related to the reservation for the test of the knowledge of the Italian language. From this section it is possible to make reservation for the test of the Italian language, by selecting the key “Richiesta Prenotazione”; the system for the Agreement of Integration would take charge of the request making reservation as soon as the section for the test is available. The details of the reservation (date and time, location, state) would be visualized by the system when same would be effected.
  • Details relating to the reservation of the test for civic culture. From this section it is possible D to make reservation for the test for civic culture, by selecting the key “Richiesta Prenotazione”; the system for the Agreement of Integration would take charge of the request, making, reservation as soon as the section for the test is available. The details of the reservation (date and time, location, state) would be visualized by the system when the same shall be effected.

Beside the electronic system, an online model of communication is available for details of family units ( CNF model) through which the foreign worker, subsequently in the forwarding of the application of the employer's authorization, can send details of his family unit to the system with the purpose of integrating the necessary information at the signing of the Agreement of Integration.
For the filling of the communication it is necessary to access the section "Richiesta Moduli" (Modulo "CNF").

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