Regione Toscana
Electronic system of the Ministry of the Interior – Verification of Italian test result

Electronic system of the Ministry of the Interior – Verification of Italian test result

To check the out come of the test of Italian for the issue of the EU long-term residence permit it is necessary to link up to the site of the Ministry of the Interior:


1.On the left part of the initial page insert the elements of identification of user:

  • e-mail utilized as user identification on the electronic system of the Ministry of the Interior to request for participation for the test
  • password utilized to access the electronic system of the Ministry of the Interior to request for participation for the test

and click on enter "Invia".

2. On the page " Available services", which would open at the insertion of the e-mail and password,on the left click "Domande"

3. On the central table, subsequently visible, click on the icon "lente d'ingrandimento" in correspondence to the name of user in "Azioni"

4. Consult the outcome of the test of Italian on the table that would be shown.


La traduzione della scheda informativa è stata finanziata dal progetto Sportello Multilingue: Mediazione e Informazione