What should I do? Cosa devo fare?
You have to change your residence permit for study into work.
In which case I can apply for conversion of the residence permit? In quale caso posso fare la domanda di conversione del permesso di soggiorno?
If you have a residence permit for study, training or internship not yet expired (or the receipt of the renewal request) and you have had a proposal for a subordinate work contract. The employment contract must last at least 6 months and have a weekly working time of at least 20 hours.
When do I have to apply? Quando devo fare la domanda?
You must apply for the conversion of the residence permit from study to work only after the publication of the Decreto flussi in the Gazzetta Ufficiale that determines the numbers available each year. (For information on the Decreto flussi inform with the Sportelli immigrazione).
Attention: You can apply at any time if you have reached the age of adult in Italy (18 years old) or you have graduated or have obtained postgraduate degrees in Italian Universities. (see information sheet for this case)
How should I apply? Come devo fare la domanda?
For help in sending the request you can go to the Sportelli immigrazione
What should I do after submitting the application? Cosa devo fare dopo aver inviato la domanda?
1. The Prefecttura will send you a letter with the date of the appointment and the list of documents to be submitted:
The Prefettura checks if the statements made in the online form (Modulo VA) correspond to those of the submitted documents.
If everything matches, the Prefettura will approve the conversion and will grant you the contratto di soggiorno.
You have to sign the 3 copies of the contract and take the copies to have them signed by your employer.
2. At the second appointment in the Prefettura you must bring your copies of contratto di soggiorno signed also by your employer and a tax stamp of 16 euros.
The Prefettura will give you the kit (modello 209 and the envelope) for the application of residence permit in which you have to sign.
You must photocopy these documents before sending the envelope at the post office:
4 photocopies of the application for the residence permit signed in the Prefettura
2 copies of the contratto di soggiorno signed in Prefettura :
3. You have to go to a post office Sportello amico, using the envelope you have been given to at the Prefettura, and send the application for residence permit and these documents:
The post office will tell you when will be the first appointment at the Questura and will give you the postal receipt for the residence permit application.
Attention: This receipt is important because it shows that you can stay in Italy.
What should I do at the Questura? Cosa devo fare in Questura?
In Questura you must present 4 passsport photographs, the photocopy of the contratto di soggiorno, photocopy of the residence permit application (modello 209) and have you fingerprinted.
How long does it take to have the permit? Quanto tempo serve per avere il permesso?
The Questura will send you a text message to tell you the day to go to the Immigration office of the Questura to withdraw the residence permit.
You can also check your application on State Police web site http://questure.poliziadistato.it/stranieri
For information Per informazioni
For the conversion of the residence permit application à Prefettura (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione SUI)
For the residence permit application àQuestura (Immigration office)
Aggiornamento: novembre 2017