Regione Toscana
Conversion of residence permit for study into a residence permit for self-employment for a student who has reached the age of adult in Italy (18 years old) or who has graduated in Italy (or has obtained postgraduate degrees in Italy)

Conversion of residence permit for study into a residence permit for self-employment for a student who has reached the age of adult in Italy (18 years old) or who has graduated in Italy (or has obtained postgraduate degrees in Italy)

Conversione del permesso di soggiorno per studio in permesso di soggiorno per lavoro autonomo per lo studente che ha raggiunto la maggiore età in Italia (18 anni) o che si è laureato in Italia (o che ha ottenuto titoli post-laurea in Italia)

I graduated in Italy / I have turned 18 years old in Italy and I want to start a self-employment work.

What should I do? Come devo fare?
You have to change your residence permit for study into a residence permit for work

When do I have to apply? Quando devo fare la domanda?
You can apply at any time (you do not need the Decreto Flussi) if:

you have turned 18 in Italy


you have obtained one of these qualifications in Italy:

  • Bachelor degree
  • Specialized degree or Master degree
  • Diploma of specialization
  • Ph.D
  • First level of Master degree
  • Second level of Master degree
  • Certificate or Diploma of Masterclas

How should I apply? Come devo fare la domanda?

  1. Register on the Ministry of the Interior website for the submission of applications:
  2. From the site select “Richiesta moduli”
  3. Choose the modulo “Domanda di certificazione attestante il possesso di requisiti per lavoro autonomo per stranieri che hanno raggiunto la maggiore età o che hanno conseguito il diploma di laurea o di laurea specialistica in Italia – Modulo Z2” Certification application attesting to the possession of self-employment requirements for foreigners who have reached the age of majority or who have obtained a Bachelor or Master Degree in Italy.
  4. Fill out the online modulo
  5. Send the modulo with the "Send" key

For help in sending the application you can go to the Sportelli immigrazione

What should I do after submitting the application? Cosa devo fare dopo aver inviato la domanda?
1. The Prefecttura will send you a letter with the date of the appointment and the list of documents to be submitted:

  • 16 euro tax stamp
  • not expired residence permit for study or the expired residence permit and receipt of the renewal request
  • original and photocopy of your not expired ID card
  • a rental contract registered with the Agenzia delle Entrate or a comunicazione di cessione di fabbricato
  • certificate of degree granted by Italian University
  • Depending on the type of self-employment you want to do, you may have to bring other documents. (Documents needed for various types of self-employment)

2. The Prefettura checks if the statements made in the online modulo (Modulo Z2) correspond to those of the submitted documents and will give you the kit (modello 209 and the envelope) for the application of residence permit in which you have to sign.

3. Then you have to go to a Post Office Sportello amico, using the envelope you have been given to at the Prefettura, and send the application for residence permit (Modulo 209) and these documents are:

  • photocopy of your passport (only pages with photos, visas and stamps)
  • photocopy of the residence permit for study or photocopy of the expired residence permit and photocopy of the receipt of the renewal request
  • payment receipt of the residence permit contribution

The post office will tell you when will be the first appointment at the Questura and will give you the postal receipt for the residence permit application.
Attention: This receipt is important because it shows that you can stay in Italy.

What should I bring to the Questura? Cosa devo portare in Questura?
In Questura you must present 4 passsport photographs, the photocopy of the residence permit application (Modello 209) and have you fingerprinted.

How long does it take to have the permit? Quanto tempo serve per avere il permesso?
The Questura will send you a text message to tell you the day to go to the Immigration office of the Questura to withdraw the residence permit.

You can also check your application on State Police web site

For information Per informazioni
For the conversion of the residence permit application à Prefettura (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione SUI)

Aggiornamento: novembre 2017

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