Regione Toscana
Registration to the Regional Health Service (SSR) for family members aged 65 and above arrived in Italy for family reunification

Registration to the Regional Health Service (SSR) for family members aged 65 and above arrived in Italy for family reunification

Iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Regionale (SSR) per familiari di età maggiore a 65 anni arrivati in Italia per ricongiungimento familiare

I am 65 years or more and I arrived in Italy with the family reunification and I must ask for the first time the residence permit for family reasons.

What should I do to get the services of the Regional Health Service? Cosa devo fare per avere i servizi del Servizio Sanitario Regionale?

- you can register for a fee to the Regional Health Service


- to pay a private insurance with an Italian or foreign insurance institution valid in Italy.

Attention: private insurance must

  • be valid in Italy;
  • have complete coverage of health risks;
  • have a duration of 1 year with the starting and expiry date indicated;
  • indicate the family members covered and the degree of kinship;
  • indicate how a request of refund should be done;
  • to be written in Italian.

How much do I have to pay to register for the Regional Health Service? Quanto devo pagare per fare l’iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Regionale? There are two cases:

1. you do not have an income or pension: the amount to be paid depends on the family income (that is, the income of the child who has applied for reunification and of all the people who are in his nucleus family):

  • up to a family income of € 5,165.00, the contribution to be paid is € 387.34.
  • for income up to € 20,658.28, the contribution to be paid is equal to 7.5% of the income

(for example, with a family income of 18,500 euros the calculation to be made is as follows:

18.500 x 7,5 = 138.750 :100 = euro 1.387,50)

  • for income exceeding € 20,658.28, the contribution to be paid is 7.5% of 20.658.28 + 4% of the difference between your income (up to the limit of € 51.645.69) and € 20.658.28

 (for example, with an income of 22,000 euros:

for the first part (up to 20.658.28 euros) you must calculate 7.5% (20.658.28 x 7.5 = 154.937: 100 = 1.549.37);

for the second part (the difference between 22,000 - 20,658,28 = 1,341.72) you must calculate 4% (1,341.72 x 4 = 5.366.88: 100 = 53.67).

Then you must add the results of the two calculations: 1.549.37 + 53.67 = € 1.603.04.

2. you have an income or pension:

  • if you and your spouse both have a pension or an income: both of you must prove that you have a pension or an income with documents from your country that have been translated and legalized at the Italian consulate (self-certification is not possible) and you have to pay the contribution on the basis of income with two postal bulletins (see above how to calculate the contribution).
  • if one of the spouse is dependent on the other spouse (who has a pension in his country or his own income): who has the income must prove to have the pension or an income with documents of his country translated and legalized at the Italian consulate (self-certification is not possible) and you have to pay a single postal bulletin that applies to both (see above how to calculate the contribution).

For clarifications on how to calculate the income you can contact the Aziende sanitarie locali - ASL Regione Toscana

How do I pay? Come faccio a pagare?

Get a payment form (bulletin) at any post office and fill it with the following data:

  • Postal current account number: 289504
  • Intestate to: Regione Toscana
  • Causale: contributo iscrizione volontaria SSR anno ...
  • Write the calculated amount according to the examples written above
  • Pay the postal bulletin at the post office and keep it

What should I do after having paid? Cosa devo fare dopo aver pagato?

You must go to the Prefettura (or to the Questura for the "Reunification in derogation") for the request of the residence permit. The Prefettura and the Questura will ask you for the Azienda sanitaria locale ASL payment receipt.
After you have mailed the Kit handed by the Prefettura (or after you have handed in the request for a residence permit in Questura) you can apply for residence in Comune.

How should I register with the Regional Health Service? Come si deve fare l’iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Regionale?

Upon your arrival in Italy, after being in the Prefettura or the Questura to apply for a residence permit, you must send e-mail to the ASL of the place where you live copies of these documents:

  • Modello 209 (request of your residence permit) and postal receipts in case of a request made at the Sportello Unico in Prefettura
  • A coupon (receipt) if you have applied for a residence permit at the Questura
  • your tax code
  • self-certification of your residence
  • self-certification of family income (of the child in Italy) if you do not have an income or a pension
  • documentation attesting your income in the country of origin or the pension, translated and legalized in the Italian Consulate
  • receipt of payment of the postal bulletin

How should I complete the registration? Come devo fare per completare l’iscrizione?
have to go to the ASL of the place of residence or the place where you live.
At the time of registration, you must choose the family doctor, to which you can go for free.
After registration, you will receive the health card at home that allows you to use all the services of the Regional Health Service.
Attention: your surname must appear on the doorbell and on the mailbox, otherwise you will not receive your health card.

What services do the Regional Health Service provide? Quali sono i servizi del Servizio Sanitario Regionale?
In this list there are the basic services but the Tuscany Region offers other services (ask what are those services at the ASL of the place where you live)

  • to have a family doctor or pediatrician
  • free hospitalization in public and affiliated hospitals
  • pharmaceutical assistance
  • general medical examinations in the clinic
  • specialist medical visits
  • medical visits at home
  • vaccinations
  • blood tests
  • x-rays
  • ultrasound
  • medicines
  • assistance after trauma or operations and for prostheses

What happens if you go for a short time to another EU country (for example for tourism)? Cosa succede se vai per poco tempo in un altro Paese dell’Unione Europea UE (ad esempio per turismo)?In another EU country you can have health care, for a maximum of 90 days, by presenting the Italian health card (Attention: not all the free services in Italy are free in other EU countries).

How long is the registration valid for? Per quanto tempo è valida l’iscrizione?
The registration expires on December 31st and must be renewed every year.
Payment must be entire even if you register during the year.

In which cases is the registration of the Regional Health Service be interrupted? In quali casi viene interrotta l’iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Regionale?

  • if the residence permit has not been renewed
  • for cancellation of the residence permit
  • for expulsion
  • for change of the residence region

For information Per informazioni
Aziende sanitarie locali - ASL Regione Toscana

Aggiornamento: novembre 2017.





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