What is it? Cos’è?
It is a procedure by which some Italian ministries decide whether the academic or professional qualification you obtained abroad is also valid in Italy.
What is it for? A cosa serve?
When should I do the recognition? Quando devo fare il riconoscimento?
before entering in Italy to obtain a study visa
for information: http://www.studiare-in-italia.it/studentistranieri/
when you are already in Italy to start your studies, to attend university courses, to take part in public competitions, to work in regulated or not professional sectors, to attend professional courses
for information: http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/Attualita/Approfondimenti/approfondimento/Pagine/Riconoscimento_titolo_pag-2.aspx
Who should apply? Chi lo deve chiedere?
How should I do? Come devo fare?
For the recognition:
of the academic qualification (recognition may refer to university and upper and lower secondary school) see
of the professional qualification see
to enrol in a training course see
to participate in public competitions, ie to work in the Italian public administration see
What document do I need to start the procedures described above? Che documento mi serve per iniziare le procedure descritte sopra?
You need a declaration of equal value.
What is the declaration of equal value? Che cos'è la dichiarazione di valore in loco?
The declaration of equal value is an official document, written in Italian, issued by the Italian Consulate abroad, which briefly describes the qualification given to a person by a school or university that forms part of an educational system different from the Italian one. The declaration of equal value can confirm the validity of that qualification to be able to carry out a specific profession within the country that issued it (for example for interpreters); it is just an informational document, not the recognition of the qualification.
What can happen after I have applied for the recognition of an academic or a professional qualification? Cosa può succedere dopo che ho chiesto il riconoscimento di un titolo di studio o di una qualifica professionale?
Your academic qualification or professional qualification can be:
recognized and therefore have legal value in Italy (in this case the diploma is equivalent/equipollente). It refers also to those diplomas obtained in countries that have an agreement with Italy:
If there is equivalence, which is the same value, you can work, perform unregulated professions, become a practitioner (for example as an architect or lawyer), take state exams, participate in public competitions, or continue the study program
declared equivalent and therefore your qualification has value but only to enter a specific public competition
partially recognized and therefore you will have to do a training course to complete your formation and be able to use legally your diploma eventually in Italy
not recognized and therefore has no legal value in Italy
Aggiornamento: novembre 2017