Regione Toscana
In which cases I do not have to take the A2 level Italian language test / In quali casi non devo fare il test di lingua italiana livello A2

In which cases I do not have to take the A2 level Italian language test / In quali casi non devo fare il test di lingua italiana livello A2

In order to obtain a European Union (EU) residence permit for long-term residence, I have to prove that I know the Italian language but it is not necessary in these cases:

  • you have obtained a secondary school diploma in Italy (third grade)
  • you have obtained an upper secondary school diploma in Italy (high school or technical institute or professional institute)
  • you have attended an Italian language course at level A2 in a CPIA (Provincial Centers for Adult Education) and have passed the final test
  • you have obtained a certification of knowledge of the Italian language at level A2 or above given by the University of Roma Tre, University for foreigners of Perugia, University for foreigners of Siena, Società Dante Alighieri or other authorized offices
  • you have the CELI, CILS, PLIDA or CERT.IT diploma of Italian language at level A2 obtained abroad before coming to Italy
  • you attend the university or a master or doctorate in an Italian university
  • you have completed the course provided for by the integration agreement and you have received the decree of accomplishment from the Prefettura
  • you have obtained the international protection
  • you have a permanent residence card because you are a family member within the second degree of an Italian or of an EU citizen (spouse, parent, child, brother, grandchild - child of the child)
  • you have a disease that hinders you from studying and learning Italian

How can I prove that I have a disease that hinders me from studying and learning Italian language? Come faccio a dimostrare di avere una malattia che mi impedisce di studiare e imparare la lingua italiana?
First of all, you have to go to your family doctor. Your doctor gives you the first certificate and then sends you to a medical examiner of theASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale).

How can I prove that I know the Italian language? Come faccio a dimostrare di conoscere già la lingua italiana?
Put a photocopy of the documents which prove that you know the language or that you cannot learn it (diploma, certificate, certificate of the medical examiner of the ASL ...) in the long-term residence permit application kit.

Aggiornamento: novembre 2017

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