Regione Toscana
STP Card (Temporarily Present Foreigners): Regional Health Service (SSR) for non-EU citizens who do not comply with regulations concerning entry and stay in Italy

STP Card (Temporarily Present Foreigners): Regional Health Service (SSR) for non-EU citizens who do not comply with regulations concerning entry and stay in Italy

Tesserino STP (Stranieri Temporaneamente Presenti): Servizio Sanitario Regionale (SSR) per cittadini non comunitari non in regola con le norme sull'ingresso e il soggiorno in Italia

What is it / Cos’è
For non-EU citizens who do not comply with the regulations on entry and stay, urgent, essential and ongoing treatments are guaranteed.

  • Urgent treatments: of which cannot be postponed without danger of life or damage to the health of the person.
  • Essential treatments: of which are related to non-dangerous diseases in the short term, but could eventually create health problems or risks for life.
  • Continuous treatments: of which allow treatment for a longer period

How to apply for the STP card / Come si fa il tesserino STP
The card can:

  • be issued by the Emergency or Local Health Authority (ASL) at the time of the first medical treatment
  • be requested by the person to start a treatment course

The person without residence permit who seek for medical treatments will not be reported to the police.

What are the necessary documents

Quali sono i documenti necessari

  • identity document or declaration of the name, surname, gender, date of birth and nationality
  • declaration of being in financial difficulty
  • declaration of not being able to enroll in the Regional Health Service (SSR), of not having a health insurance

Treatments guaranteed by the STP card

Cure garantite dal tesserino STP

  • assistance of pregnancy and maternity
  • assistance of the health of the minor
  • vaccinations
  • international prophylaxis
  • prophylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases
  • treatment and rehabilitation in case of drug addiction

For how long is the registration valid for / Per quanto è valida l’iscrizione
The STP card is valid throughout the country and is valid for 6 months, with the possibility of renewal.

For information / Per informazioni
Local Health Authorities (Tuscany)

Aggiornamento: novembre 2017

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