Regione Toscana
Nullaosta to highly qualified employment (for Carta Blu UE) / Nullaosta al lavoro altamente qualificato (per Carta Blu UE)

Nullaosta to highly qualified employment (for Carta Blu UE) / Nullaosta al lavoro altamente qualificato (per Carta Blu UE)

I am an employer who wants to employ a highly qualified non-European Union (EU) citizen

What should I do? Cosa devo fare?
You have to ask the nullaosta of the Prefettura to employ in Italy a very qualified non-EU citizen who is abroad.
List of highly qualified professions (those at Levels 1,2,3 on the ISTAT website)


Can I ask for the nullaosta? Posso chiedere il nullaosta?
Yes, if you are an Italian employer or an employer of an EU country or of a non-EU country with residence in Italy and a regular residence permit.
The work activities have to take place in Italy.


When can I apply? Quando posso fare la domanda?

  1. Whenever you want


  1. If the non-EU worker already has the Carta Blu UE in another EU country, you must make the application within one month from when the worker enters Italy.


How should I apply? Come devo fare la domanda?

  1. Register on the Ministry of the Interior website for the submission of applications:
  2. From the site select “Richiesta moduli”
  3. Choose the modulo BC “Richiesta di nullaosta al lavoro per rilascio della Carta blu UE”. Request for nullaosta to work for the Carta blu UE issuance.


if the company has adhered to Confindustria or has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Labour, choose the modulo CBC

  1. Fill out the online modulo
  2. Send the modulo with the "Send" key


What happens after I have sent the application? Che succede dopo che ho inviato la domanda?

  1. The Prefettura will contact you
  1. on the day of the appointment in the Prefettura you must bring these documents:
  • 16 euro tax stamp
  • photocopy of your ID card
  • photocopy of the passport of the non-EU citizen you want to employ
  • the declaration of value of the qualification of the non-EU citizen who is going to be employed
  • a proposal for a contract with a duration of at least 1 year and with a salary of at least 24,790 euros for the year 2017
  • Only in the case for the regulated professions needs the recognition in Italy about the professional qualification of the worker. If there is a professional association, you need to have the professional registration.

3. The Prefettura checks the documents and asks you to sign the contratto di soggiorno

  1. You must inform the worker that the Prefettura has given the nullaosta

5. The worker must contact the Italian Consulate or the Embassy in his country immediately to apply for the entry visa in Italy            


How long do I have to wait for the nullaosta? Quanto tempo devo aspettare per avere il nullaosta?
Maximum 90 days after you applied.


For more information / Per avere altre informazioni
Prefettura (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione SUI)

Aggiornamento: novembre 2017

La traduzione della scheda informativa è stata finanziata dal progetto Sportello Multilingue: Mediazione e Informazione