Regione Toscana
Questions and answers on the authorization for seasonal work - Domande e risposte sul Nullaosta al lavoro stagionale

Questions and answers on the authorization for seasonal work - Domande e risposte sul Nullaosta al lavoro stagionale

1. What are seasonal activities ?
 See list of seasonal activities elenco delle attività stagionali

2. What is a collective request?
It is the application of authorization for seasonal work presented by more job employers at the same time who want to employ the same worker at different times. The total period of work must be a minimum of 20 days and a maximum of 8 months.

3. Can the application for authorization be made at any time?
No, the authorization can be requested for only after the publication of the decree on flows for seasonal work in the Official Gazette.

4. At which Unified Desk for Immigration can the application for authorization be presented?
The online system sends the application to the appropriate Unified Desk on the bases of place of work.

5. What is the duration of the authorization?
The duration of the authorization for seasonal work ( corresponds with the duration of the work relationship) could comprise between a minimum of 20 days and a maximum of 9 months.

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