Regione Toscana
Entry visa for visits to family or friends / Visto d'ingresso per visita a familiari o amici

Entry visa for visits to family or friends / Visto d'ingresso per visita a familiari o amici

I have to come to Italy to visit my family or friends./ Devo venire in Italia per fare visita a miei familiari o amici.

What should I do? / Cosa devo fare?
You have to understand if you need an entry visa for tourism - visit family / friends

How do I know if I need an entry visa? / Come faccio a sapere se ho bisogno del visto d'ingresso?
You must check the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Enter your country and other required information in the search space.

How long can I stay in Italy with an entry visa for tourism - visit family / friends? / Quanto tempo posso stare in Italia con il visto d'ingresso per turismo - visita famiglia / amici?
You can stay in Italy for a maximum of 90 days and you must have a passport that expires at least 3 months after the expiry of the entry visa for tourism (example: if the entry visa for tourism expires on 10 August 2018, the passport must expire after 10 November 2018).

Is the entry visa for tourism - family / friends visit valid only for Italy or for other countries? / Il visto d'ingresso per turismo - visita famiglia / amici è valido solo per l'Italia o anche per altri Paesi?
With the VSU visa (Uniform Schengen Visa) you can come to Italy and to other countries in the Schengen area.
With the VLT visa (Visa to Limited Territoriality) you can only come to Italy.

What documents do I need to obtain an entry visa for tourism - family / friends visit? / Quali documenti mi servono per avere il visto d'ingresso per turismo - visita famiglia / amici?
The documents and forms you need can be found on
The person hosting you must fill in the Comunicazione di cessione di fabbricato o di ospitalità (Communication for the sale of buildings or hospitality) and then send it to you by post, along with his ID card and residence permit if he is a non-EU citizen.
Attention: the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your country can ask for other documents.

Aggiornamento: febbraio 2019


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