Regione Toscana
Schede semplificate - Inglese

ISEE (Indicatore Situazione Economica Equivalente) - ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator)


What is it? / Cos’è?

It is a value that indicates the economic situation of a family or an individual person.

There are various types of ISEE depending on the service you are applying for (e.g. ordinary ISEE, ISEE minors, ISEE for social and health benefits, ISEE TPL for local public transport).

A cosa serve?

What is it for? / A cosa serve?

You need the ISEE to get the economic aid that the municipality, region or state gives you if you are in difficulty (e.g. aid for child expenses, to pay rent, to pay bills, ...).

You also need ISEE to pay less for some public services (e.g. bus, canteen and transport of children to school, health services).

Quando posso chiederlo?

When can I apply? / Quando posso chiederlo?

You can apply for ISEE at any time.

How long is it valid? / Per quanto è valido?
ISEE always expires on 31 December of the year in which it is requested.

Dove lo chiedo?

Where do I apply? / Dove lo chiedo

You can apply for ISEE at a CAF or Patronato following an appointment.

You can also apply for ISEE yourself on the INPS website (INPS - Dettaglio Prestazione: Come compilare la DSU e richiedere l'ISEE) INPS - Service Details: How to fill in the DSU and apply for ISEE)

Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

What do I have to do to apply? / Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

To calculate ISEE you have to complete the Unique Substitute Declaration (DSU). It is a document that states how many people are in your household, what income and assets they have (e.g. how much they earn if they have a subordinate work or self-employed, if they have houses, cars or motorbikes, how much money they have in their bank account).


Quali documenti servono?

What documents are required? / Quali documenti servono?

  • Residence permit of all family members or application for renewal of permit
  • Identity documents of all persons in the family
  • Health cards of all persons in the family
  • Certificate of family status
  • Copy of the rental contract (if you are renting) or cadastral registration certificate if you live in your own house
  • Income declaration or CUD of the previous year of all persons in the household who are employees. (For example, for ISEE 2022 you have to bring the CUD of 2021 with the income of the year 2020)
  • For self-employed persons, previous year's tax return and net asset value of the company
  • All economic aid received 2 years earlier (family allowances, school package, etc.). (For example, for ISEE 2021 you have to declare economic aid from 2019)
  • Car or motorbike registration
  • Balance and average balance at 31/12 of 2 years before of the current accounts, prepaid cards, postal passbooks of all persons in the household. (E.g. for ISEE 2022 you have to bring the balance and average balance as at 31/12/2020)
  • Mortgage repayment plan if you have one.
Quanto tempo serve per ottenerlo?

How long does it take to obtain it? / Quanto tempo serve per ottenerlo?

Usually if you go to a CAF or Patronato it takes about a week to obtain the ISEE.

Quanto costa?

How much does it cost? / Quanto costa?

It is free of charge.


Attention / Attenzione

If your economic situation has worsened (e.g. you have lost your job or your household's income has decreased), you can apply for an updated ISEE (called current ISEE).

Per informazioni

For further information / Per altre informazioni!

Contact your municipality.

You can get help from Municipal Immigration Desks, CAFs, Patronati.

Aggiornamento: Giugno 2022