Regione Toscana
Schede semplificate - Inglese

Entrepreneur's “cassetto digitale” - Cassetto digitale dell’imprenditore(


What's this? / Cos'è?

It is a service that allows business owners, legal representatives or partners or holders of corporate offices of companies registered in the Business Register to access all official documents of their company.

The service is free.

A cosa serve?

What is it for? / A cosa serve?

The entrepreneur's digital drawer is used to view the following documents:

  • from  La mia impresa (My company): company registration (also in English), company deeds and financial statements of your company
  • from Registro imprese ( Business Register): status of the dossier and receipt documents of the dossiers submitted by the company to the Business Register
  • from Attività produttive (Production Activities): status of the latest practices submitted by the company to the SUAP (one stop shop for Productive Activities) and the attached documents (application, summary, power of attorney, receipt)
  • from Le mie fatture (My invoices): documentation of electronic invoices issued by the company to Public Administrations, businesses and individuals, or receipts managed with the tool made available by the Camera di Commercio (Chambers of Commerce) -
  • from Diritto annuale (Annual fee): summary of annual payments and simulator for calculating the amount due to the Chamber of Commerce in the current year
  • from Innovazione (Innovation): information on startups and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (PMI)
Come uso il servizio?

How do I use it? / Come lo uso?

From the site you must enter with SPID or the National Service Card (CNS).

Aggiornamento: Aprile 2021