Regione Toscana
Schede semplificate - Inglese

Wireless token - Token wireless


What's this? / Cos’è?

The wireless Token is used to be recognized by the public administration in online services.

It has the format of a USB stick and you use it with an App.

You don't need a smart card reader or a USB port to use it.

Dove lo chiedo?

Where can I ask for it? Dove lo chiedo?

You can ask for the Wireless Token at the Florence Chamber of Commerce after booking an appointment.

Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

How can I ask for it? Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

To book an appointment see:

You must show up for the appointment with a valid identity document (passport, Italian identity card, Italian driving license), tax code, e-mail address and a smartphone.

Per informazioni

For further information / Per altre informazioni

Aggiornamento: maggio 2021