Regione Toscana
Schede semplificate - Inglese

School package / Financial aid for school expenses - Pacchetto scuola


What is it? / Cos’è?

It is a financial aid for families of students in lower secondary school (middle school) or upper secondary school (high school) or vocational courses.


A cosa serve?

What is it for? / A cosa serve?

You can use this financial aid for your children's school expenses (purchase of books and other school supplies and school services).


Chi può chiederlo?

Who can apply this? / Chi può chiederlo?

You can apply for the “pacchetto scuola” school package if your family is

and if your children are:

  • enrolled in a lower secondary school (middle school) or upper secondary school (high school) or in a vocational education and training course (IeFP)
  • under 21 years of age
Quando posso chiederlo?

When can I apply? / Quando posso chiederlo?

To find out when you can apply for the “pacchetto scuola” school package, you need to check the website of your municipality. (Find your municipality's “Pacchetto scuola” School package webpage in “Servizi dei Comuni – Scuola > Aiuto economico” Municipal Services - School > Economic Aid', on the PAeSI Portal).

Please note: The application deadline changes for each municipality.

Dove lo chiedo?

Where do I apply? /Dove lo chiedo?

You can apply for the “pacchetto scuola” school package online at your municipality's website (Find “Pacchetto scuola” School package in “Servizi dei Comuni – Scuola > Aiuto economico” Municipal Services - School > Economic Aid, from the web page of your municipality on the PAeSI Portal).

Quali documenti servono?

What documents are required? / Quali documenti servono?

  • ISEE
  • Identity document (e.g. passport or Italian Identity card)
  • Residence permit (or permit renewal receipt)
Quanto costa?

How much is the financial aid? / Quanto è l’aiuto economico?

The financial aid can be between 180 and 300 euro per school year for each student.


Attention! / Attenzione!

If you receive financial aid, you must keep receipts for the expenses you have made

Per informazioni

For further information / Per altre informazioni

Contact your municipality

To apply for the “pacchetto scuola” school package, you can get help from  Municipal Immigration Desks, CAFs, and Patronati.


Aggiornamento: Giugno 2022