Regione Toscana
Schede semplificate - Inglese

Reduction in school canteen and transport fares / Discount on school canteen and bus fees - Riduzione tariffe mensa e trasporto scolastico


What is it? / Cos’è?

The school canteen and the bus that takes pupils to school are services you have to pay for.

The cost of these services depends on the household's income.

If the income is very low, the services are free.

A cosa serve?

What is it for? / A cosa serve?

You can ask your municipality for a discount on these services.

Chi può chiederlo?

Who can apply this? / Chi può chiederlo?

You can apply for the discount if you are a parent of children enrolled in the school canteen and school transport service.

Quando posso chiederlo?

When can I apply? / Quando posso chiederlo?

To find out when you can apply for this discount, you need to check the website of your municipality (Find “Servizi dei Comuni – Scuola > Aiuto economico” ‘Municipal Services - School > Financial Aid’ from the web page of your municipality on the PAeSI Portal).

Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

What do I have to do to apply? / Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

You can apply for the discount online from the website of your municipality (Find “Servizi dei Comuni – Scuola > Aiuto economico” ‘Municipal Services - School > Financial Aid’ from the web page of your municipality on the PAeSI Portal)

Quali documenti servono?

What documents are required? / Quali documenti servono?


Attention! / Attenzione

The school canteen is referred to as "refezione scolastica" on the websites of some municipalities.

Per informazioni

For further information / Per altre informazioni

Contact your municipality.

You can get help from Municipal Immigration Desks, CAFs and Patronati.

Aggiornamento: Giugno 2022