Regione Toscana
Schede semplificate - Inglese

Reduction in waste tax (TARI) / Discount on waste tax (TARI)


What is it? / Cos’è?

TARI is the municipal waste tax that is used to pay for the cost of waste collection and waste disposal (smaltimento dei rifiuti).
The waste tax reduction (TARI) is a discount for families with financial difficulties.

Chi può chiederlo?

Who can apply this? / Chi può chiederlo?

You can ask for a reduction of the TARI if your family has financial difficulties. This is decided by each municipality on the basis of the family's ISEE (see information sheet on ISEE).
(For example, for the Municipality of Prato, ISEE must be equal to or less than € 13,500)

Quando posso chiederlo?

When can I apply? /Quando posso chiederlo?

To find out when to apply for the bonus, you need to check the website of your municipality.
Find “Servizi dei Comuni – Tasse e multe > TARI (rifiuti)” (Municipal Services - Taxes and Fines > TARI (waste) from the web page of your municipality on the PAeSI Portal)

Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

What do I have to do to apply? / Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

To find out how to apply for a TARI reduction, you need to check the website of your municipality or contact it.

Find the ”Riduzione TARI” ‘'TARI reduction' in “Servizi dei Comuni – Tasse e multe > TARI (rifiuti)” (Municipal Services - Taxes and Fines > TARI (waste)) from the web page of your municipality on the PAeSI Portal)

Quali documenti servono?

What documents are required? / Quali documenti servono?

  • Identity document (e.g. Italian Identity card or passport)
  • Residence permit (or permit renewal receipt)
  • ISEE
Quanto tempo serve per ottenerlo?

How long does it take to obtain it? / Quanto tempo serve per ottenerlo?

After your discount request has been accepted, the discount will be made on your first waste tax (TARI) bill.
If, on the other hand, you had already paid the year's waste tax, you will be given a refund.


Attention! / Attenzione!

The “riduzione tassa sui rifiuto TARI” ' Reduction in waste tax (TARI)’ is also called “agevolazione TARI”.


Per informazioni

For further information / Per altre informazioni!

Contact your municipality.

You can get help from Municipal Immigration Desks, CAFs, Patronati.

Aggiornamento: Giugno 2022