Regione Toscana
Schede semplificate - Inglese

Maternity allowance from the municipality / Municipal financial aid for mothers


What is it? / Cos’è?

It is an economic aid for mothers who do not work or who work but have no other economic assistance for maternity or have less economic aid than the municipality's maternity allowance.

Chi può chiederlo?

Who can apply this? / Chi può chiederlo?

You can apply for this financial aid if you are a mother of a child who is less than 6 months old and if:

  • you have an EU long-term residence permit


  • you are a family member of an Italian or European Union citizen or
  • you have international protection (refugee or subsidiary protection status)
  • you have a single residence permit for work (permit allowing you to work) or you are a family member of a person with a single residence permit for work


  • you are resident in Italy
  • your family has an ISEE less than euro 17.747,58 (for 2022)
  • you have no other financial aid for maternity or this aid is less than the maternity allowance.
Quando posso chiederlo?

When can I apply? / Quando posso chiederlo?

You must apply for the 'maternity allowance' within 6 months of the birth of the child.

Dove lo chiedo?

Where do I apply? / Dove lo chiedo?

You have to ask your municipality for the 'maternity allowance'.

Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

What do I have to do to apply? / Cosa devo fare per chiederlo?

To find out what you have to do to apply for 'maternity allowance' check the website of your municipality.

(Find “Assegno di maternità del Comune” ‘Maternity allowance from the municipality' in “Servizi dei Comuni – Aiuti economici> Chiedere l’assegno di maternità” ‘Municipal Services - Economic aid> Applying for maternity allowance’ from the web page of your municipality on the PAeSI Portal)

Quali documenti servono?

What documents are required? / Quali documenti servono?

Quanto tempo serve per ottenerlo?

How long does it take to obtain the maternity allowance? / Quanto tempo serve per avere l’assegno di maternità?

Payment of the allowance is made by INPS within 30 days after the application is verified.

Quanto costa?

What is the amount of the allowance? / Quanto è la cifra dell’assegno?

For 2022, the maternity allowance is € 1.773,65.

Per informazioni

For further information / Per altre informazioni!

Contact your municipality.

You can get help from Municipal Immigration Desks, CAFs, Patronati.

Aggiornamento: Giugno 2022